Closing eyes, breathing in light.
Feeling my way back, through space and time.
Remembering my dear friends, I’ve had in this life
I still hear laughter, smiles stretching far and wide
Through sing-song days and sweet dream nights
Across old rivers, welcoming morning light.
And in that moment, hearts feel true
It’s me now, singing
I love you.
Turn to your friends
The time is now
I know you want to, I know you need to….
Hear from me that we want you.
Up into the rolling hills, beyond the last dirt road
To the ancient oak trees, and a place called home
Where we pile together, squeeze in tight
Show your bright eyes, and bless this life
This life we have together, let us pray
For we have each other, forever I say.
And in that moment, hearts feel true
It’s me now, singing
I love you.
I know you want to, I know you need to.