Future Self – Preview our new 6-song EP releasing worldwide 2/25/2025
Talked with the Galaxy – Exploded like a love ray
Hello Rainbow – Music comes from the same place rainbows do!
When Stars Align – Getting out of our own way so the magic can happen
Anchored In with You – A sweet love song about diving in fearlessly
Running– Light warrior jumping timelines
HaHa Hoo– Rising each day with excitement and joy to be alive
There She Goes – A bittersweet break-up song
Catch Us– COMING SOON! Catch us if ya can. Chasing our dreams to play!
Trust The Sky– COMING SOON! And we shine, into light. And we fly, and trust the sky
Bigfoot is Not a Monster – Even Bigfoot wants to be loved
New York Mermaid – A short love affair with a New York mermaid
Kisses on Tears – Love shot through us, leaving kisses on tears
Downstream – All about going with the flow and appreciating the journey
Livin’ the Given – The most powerful form of love in this 3D world
Aha Moment –COMING SOON! Embrace hope, and trust in humankind’s limitless possibilities to rise above
Little Boy Sasha– A Prayer for Sasha’s heart
Filled with Dreams– Your heart bursts as you fall upward, into the starry sky
Holding Space– Real love is so beautifully vulnerable
© 2024 Elevator Operator