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Future Self
Elevator Operator
Here to Stay by Elevator Operator
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Future Self by Elevator Operator
Believe in Happy by Elevator Operator
Talk with the Galaxy
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Best Bigfoot Museums in the US

California has plenty of Bigfoot museums to go around. Their legacy as the birthplace of the modern Bigfoot boom — along with California’s exuberance for the quirky — mean that the Golden State is very lucky to have multiple great Bigfoot museums.

But if you aren’t in California and would like to visit a Bigfoot museum, have no fear. We have amassed a list of the best Bigfoot museums in the US outside of California. Ranging from the Disney-fied to the serious, these museums represent the wide range of viewpoints in the Bigfoot community.

Be sure to check the list on your next road trip!

Expedition Bigfoot: The Sasquatch Museum, Cherry Log, Georgia

This is a Bigfoot museum made by and for believers in Sasquatch. This is not a collection of oddities, nor a time capsule of a pop culture moment. This is a museum meant to display the evidence for the existence of Bigfoot. As such, the tone — while a little rustic — is meant to be scientific, presenting the case for Sasquatch.

Set in the northern Georgia town of Cherry Log. It’s the kind of place you’d struggle to get to before GPS, settled in the hills with a little over 100 people in the area — the town isn’t even incorporated. And yet, they boast one of the country’s best Bigfoot museums, with high quality and kid friendly exhibits.

David and Melinda Bakara own and run the museum. They claim that Expedition Bigfoot is the biggest museum of its kind. And they might be right. At over 4,000 square feet of jam-packed floor space, it contains countless items of fascination for believers and non-believers alike. You might need to visit multiple times to see everything there is to see.

They have several permanent displays, including footprint casts, interactive exhibits, a Bigfoot research vehicle, and even a movie theater to view Bigfoot documentaries. Expedition Bigfoot also has frequent events featuring presentations by some of the leading Bigfoot researchers in the world.

This really is a treat for southern Sasquatch fans and anyone passing through.

Find them at:

1934 GA-515

Blue Ridge, GA 30513

North American Bigfoot Center, Boring, OR

Located just outside of Portland, Oregon, the North American Bigfoot Center is a high quality museum inspired by the Bakaras’ success with Expedition Bigfoot. Cliff Barackman was approached by the Baraka’s, who suggested he start a similar museum on the West Coast in the heart of Bigfoot country.

Before making the life changing decision, Barackman visited Expedition Bigfoot for himself and was impressed with what he found. He decided to set about creating a museum, relying on his formidable private Bigfoot collection and professional experience as an educator. He borrowed some of the concepts from Expedition Bigfoot while adding his own stamp on the project.

The results are a fantastic place for believers and sceptics alike. The well designed and persuasive exhibits are a great place to learn about the evidence we have on Bigfoot. The atmosphere is professional, welcoming, and informative. Not to mention, they have lots of great Sasquatch merchandise available at the gift shop.

The museum’s admission area contains theaters for documentary viewings and a highly realistic recreation of the cryptid — the statue’s name is Murphy, if you were wondering.

The North American Bigfoot Center stands alongside Expedition Bigfoot as one of the most professional and impressive museums dedicated solely to Sasquatch in the country. If you are travelling anywhere close to Portland, Oregon, it is well worth the detour.

Find them at:

31297 SE, US-26,

Boring, OR 97009

Crossroads of America Bigfoot Museum, Hastings, Nebraska

Let’s head over to the great state of Nebraska to an impressive Bigfoot museum started by a 73 year old believer who shares her passion with all of her visitors.

Harriet McFeely began the museum in 2018, but her Bigfoot journey began much earlier than that. A believer since 1953, it wasn’t until she had a sighting of her own while on a trip in Colorado that she went public with her convictions. What happened next inspired the museum: fellow Nebraskans began calling her with tales of their own sightings in Nebraska.

With so many phone calls from her own state, McFeely Was convinced that Sasquatch was not just a Pacific Northwest phenomenon. She pinpointed all the reported sightings on a map of Nebraska and began researching the creature in the state. She estimates the actual sightings are much greater than the reported numbers, given that most people are hesitant to come forward with their experiences — putting the potential number of Bigfoot in her state near the 100 mark.

Despite so much activity in Nebraska, the state didn’t have a single Bigfoot museum. So McFeely changed that.

The museum is made up of finds from McFeely’s own field research, including bones from Bigfoot refuse piles and the cryptid herself. The exhibits are designed to describe the lifeways and biology of Sasquatch, and McFeely gives tours to every visitor so that they can understand everything they are being presented with. It is clear that her personal dedication to the project is what makes the Crossroads of America Bigfoot Museum such a treasure for the cryptozoology community.

Find them at:

1205 East 42nd St.

Hastings, Nebraska 68901

Cryptozoology & Paranormal Museum, Littleton, North Carolina

In the little town of Littleton, North Carolina, a very curious museum is open to the public. With a host of exhibits and guided tours, the Cryptozoology & Paranormal Museum is a must visit for lovers of the strange and the weird. And Bigfoot fans have no fear, they have plenty for you, too.

Started by Steven Barcelo, a paranormal researcher extraordinaire, the museum contains many oddities including a haunted doll, information on UFOs, and evidence for Bigfoot, much of which was found by Barcelo himself. The museum also has a variety of information on paranormal hoaxes like the Feejee mermaid.

For Bigfoot lovers, the museum not only has many artifacts and memorabilia — including the requisite case of footprint plaster casts — but also a guided tour through Medoc Mountain State Park. Barcelo’s experience as a researcher shines in these highly unique tours.

As the name implies, the content and activities of this museum go far beyond Bigfoot. They host ghost tours through Halifax county’s most haunted places, and guests can use a real life K-II meter to detect ghost activity at every stop on the way. Along with the gadgets and spooky sights, visitors also get to learn about the rich history of Littleton and Halifax county — a great way to give back to the community.

With its wide variety and high quality activities, this is a great destination for Bigfoot seekers and paranormal enthusiasts of all stripes. Just be sure to bring hiking boots and a good camera for that Bigfoot tour.

Find them at:

328 Mosby Ave

Littleton, NC 27850

International Cryptozoology Museum, Portland, Maine

Last but not least on our list is a treat for Bigfoot fans on the Atlantic side of the county. The International Cryptozoology Museum has one of the leading collections of cryptid curiosities in the world. Located in Maine, it is perhaps the farthest Bigfoot museum from the “Bigfoot corridor” on the Pacific Northwest.

The museum takes a serious minded approach to all kinds of mysterious cryptids, and so it should be on any cryptozoology-crazed road tripper’s list.

Many of the exhibits contain what the museum claims are direct evidence of cryptids. Yeti hair samples and plaster casts beef up the scientific side, but the museum also has a vast selection of high quality artist renderings of popular and lesser known creatures. For a little levity and pop culture history, they have movie props, displays dedicated to famously faked cryptids, and a truly enormous Bigfoot sculpture.

Loren Coleman began the museum in 2003 after decades of building his private collection. The museum began on the first floor of a Portland neighborhood home purchased to house Coleman’s enormous store of items and oddities. By 2009, they’d outgrown the space and moved locations, then moved again in 2011. It is at this latest location that they really established themselves as a premiere weird attraction.

Now a local landmark, the museum is a beloved feature of the Portland, Maine landscape. And they are the perfect destination for East Coast believers.

Find them at:

4 Thompson’s Point Road, Suite 106 Portland, ME 04102.


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