
Change Yourself

Your Facebook wall filled with the righteous and the madThe right saying this, and the left, saying thatEveryone’s blaming someone elseMaking others responsible for what they felt Egos hurt, people afraidTrying to get others to see it their wayPointing out sin till the end of timeDehumanizing people they don’t like Going to let go of…


Livin’ the Given

And this life you’ve been given,And this love you can live in.Open up now and imagine livin’ fearlessWhat if nothing could hurt you, not even death?And to know you’re not forsaken or ever left? What if you’re loved like a newborn baby?Your mother’s love looking you, straight in the eye.In the heart, heart, heartWith Love,…

Scotty Jones

I was a listener before I was a player. I was a player before I heard my own voice. I heard my own voice before I emerged from hibernation. And my voice softly exclaimed, “Dude, it’s time to wake UP!” Like “Elevator Operator”, I learned to listen to the vibrations of the world, of nature,…

Scott Ercoliani

October 1st 2021, humanity lost a star and heaven gained one… It is with heavy hearts we share with you all that our dear friend and drummer of Elevator Operator, Scott Ercoliani, passed away after battling Covid for over a month in the hospital. This is an extreme loss for us, for his family and…


Catch Us

This tune brings a playfulness to facing fears within, who says it has to be such a struggle? What if we danced & cheered our way through our inner work, applauding ourselves after the deep and difficult emotional healings? The more courageously we face our fears and the more we release old wounds and traumas,…

Raise for Rowan

Please donate to Raise for Rowan Learn more about Raise for Rowan Raise for Rowan was founded by Brynn Johnson after losing her 17 month old daughter Rowan in a tragic accident in 2014. The story Brynn has told about this loss is heartbreaking and tragic. As sometimes happens with terrible misfortune, this painful loss…

Ivy Jordanne

How lucky am I to be dived into a music project alongside my love, Noah?! I had no idea I’d end up in Olympia, Washington, singing and playing keys in a band called Elevator Operator, with soul family as bandmates. And yet, here I am! This musical endeavor has had a lot of ups and…

Deja Liloquy

Born in Ithaca NY, 1988, I was introduced to guitar at the age of 17. This journey into music became my personal pinnacal of aesthetic expression at the age of 21. The genres fueling these influences were, and still are: folk, gospel, soul, blues, funk, and various forms of indie rock. 2011 was a year…