In this series Ivy and Noah share some incredible experiences, including personal out-of-body experiences and communicating with loved ones who’ve passed.
In this series Ivy and Noah humbly share, through personal stories and experience, what they’ve learned about the tender human heart.
We’re probably not total Bigfoot fanatics. We haven’t been on a Bigfoot search party…yet. But, yes, I (Noah) have loved Bigfoot since first seeing “Leonard Nimoy’s In Search Of” on the topic of Bigfoot. For our song, Bigfoot, this beautiful huge creature was really a symbol for being alone, unseen and misunderstood, which is exactly how I felt when I was single for 5 years 🙂 Being single for this long was powerful because it called me to source to get my needs met, rather than looking for my needs to be met in others.
Now doesn’t love a mermaid? The symbol of the mysterious maiden, half human, half sea creature will always mystify.
We’re working on a song called Gnomebow. It’s a fun and playful song about Gnomes taking over our property to build a rainbow factory and their insistence that Gnomes, not Leprechauns, create rainbows.
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