My Dad passed in 2020 a day after my birthday and 7 months after my mom passed. I had some friends ask me how I could possibly handle the death of both parents so close together in time. What helped me was two things. The first was having lot’s of good cries, the kind where you accept yourself and your feelings lovingly and just let yourself fall apart. The second was keeping one foot in this world, and one in the other. By quieting my mind and opening to the stream of love I have been able to peer into the other realm where I can see and feel my dad, my mom and other relatives, friends and pets that have passed. I am sooooo grateful I’ve had teachers who’ve helped me to open to the other world. I’m mentioning all this because knowing from direct experience that we are all timeless and eternal beings really does absolve fear and anxiety. Awareness that death is an illusion, that we are all forever connected in the deeper realm and that there is a stream of love transmitting to all of us is life changing. It’s not that we become unaffected by what happens here on earth. My human self still misses my mom and dad so much… But thankfully my higher self, through this connection to the other realm can simultaneously rest in the love and peace of the eternal connection. All this to say that Elevator Operator and I wrote a song about how keeping one foot in the other world is the best medicine for grief. ~Noah