Elevator Operator
Here to Stay by Elevator Operator
Listen by Elevator Operator
Dance all Night by Elevator Operator
Alchemy by Elevator Operator
Future Self by Elevator Operator
Believe in Happy by Elevator Operator
Talked with the Galaxy
Elevator Operator at Hops & Crops Festival in Kent, WA
Open Space Vashon Music
Aha Moment
Future Self
Elevator Operator
Here to Stay by Elevator Operator
Dance all Night by Elevator Operator
Alchemy by Elevator Operator
Future Self by Elevator Operator
Believe in Happy by Elevator Operator
Talk with the Galaxy
band pic 23.5 resize for bit
Elevator Operator
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Open Space Vashon Music
A7R01039 (1)
Aha Moment
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Origin of the Operators

Noah Bears had a pocketful of songs and Ivy had an itch to get a new band going when the cosmic frequencies of the universe aligned their paths to cross in the beginning of 2018 skyrocketing an epic tale of romance, fun, travel, music and ahem more inner work (two people who had both been single for at least five years previously can be a tricky tango). Yes, it was pretty much an instant love match and they both dove in deep in every way.

The more Ivy and Noah spoke with one another about their personal ideas and goals of music, the more they realized they shared a vision for not simply a band, but an entire musical experience involving the creation of an uplifting and sacred space for live shows, ceremony, and music that activates the vibrations of love, joy and healing. Many heart storms and conversations ensued revealing and reveling in a mutual desire to share and express to open hearts and listening ears an overall vibe of happiness, authenticity, abundance, ease and sense of oneness with their global human family.

They knew they could not create this vision alone and most assuredly required more bandmates to bring this musical endeavor to life. Noah and Ivy discussed in detail the talent and vibes they wished for in these musical mates, followed by a ceremony connecting to their own higher selves and the higher selves of whom they sought, calling in these new friends, staying open to whomever may be aligned for this journey that lay ahead.

One by one, talented musicians arrived in divine timing: Daniel on lead guitar, Scott on drums and Scotty on bass guitar (yes, in that order). The talent and connection among and between each of these bandmates has surpassed Ivy and Noah’s expectations. There is a simpatico, rapport, authenticity and kindness that surrounds the band like a force field.

As a full band, Elevator Operator initially practiced several days a week learning Noah’s pocketfuls of songs as the groundwork. Through the passing of time and getting in synch with one another’s styles through countless jam sessions and song recordings, a new era of original songs has emerged from this collaboration that are amplifying the original intention of high frequency music and giving rise to the power of hearts weaving together their talents to create synergistic magic which can only be accomplished in a collective.

On October 1st, 2021 we lost our dear friend and bandmate, Scott Ercoliani, from covid. We were absolutely devastated. Scott was a beautiful human being, so kind, so open hearted and so funny! He always saw the best in others, was always smiling behind the kit and I don’t think any of us ever saw Scott having a bad day. He was one of the enlightened ones and we were so fortunate to share our lives with him.

It took us a while to recover from losing Scott. In late 2022 we renewed our search for a drummer who had the chops, but also would fit well with us. Doug McNeely joined as our drummer and the magic is back!

And so continues the journey of the one that became two, and the two that became five. The five bandmates comprising Elevator Operator are taking inspired actions day to day, and week to week, holding their collective musical vision of love and joy and trusting in the universe to align for their highest good and the highest good of all involved.