Bigfoot Mania: the Rise of Sasquatch as a Pop Icon

We’ve covered Bigfoot’s presence in human societies before. Bigfoot, or something like it, has been the stuff of popular legend across time and place. It seems wherever people gather, there are stories to share of a strange, hairy, humanoid animal who stalks the forests and mountains of this immeasurable world. Also as we’ve covered before,…

What We Can Learn from Bigfoot About Spirituality and Belief

There are many reasons why people love the legend of Sasquatch and read about the search for Bigfoot. They are captivating tales that entertain and open us up. But there is more going on with Bigfoot than entertainment. There is more to it than curiosity. If we pay close attention, we can see that Bigfoot…

Is Bigfoot an Alien?

There are many, many theories about Bigfoot. And the origins of the cryptid are still up for debate. We can adapt a certain saying and state: wherever there are two Bigfoot researchers, there are three theories of Bigfoot’s origins. The scientific materialist minded believers stand firm: Bigfoot is a fellow hominid. Others, as we have…

The Beginning Of Bigfoot: The First Modern Sighting

As we have discussed before, Bigfoot is not specific to our time or place. People have witnessed similar creatures roaming the forests all over the world for millennia. These stories are united by the features of a large footprint, head-to-toe fur, and an upright gait. With that being said, there was a particular event that…

Bigfoot’s Cousins: Other Great Apes in Folklore

An exciting part of Bigfoot research is that similar creatures appear in tales and eyewitness accounts across the world. Stories of large, hairy creatures walking around on two legs show up in many mythologies and folklore, making for an interesting cross reference.  There are two ways to understand this. Many skeptics will claim that it…

What do Bigfoot and Strange Lights in the Sky Have in Common?

Bigfoot sightings are exciting events, often fleeting, frequently disorienting. When a Bigfoot sighting occurs, it seems to break people out of their everyday understanding of what is real and what isn’t. That disturbing experience is made even more disturbing by the fact that such sightings are often accompanied by UFOs in the sky and/or orbs…